2023 CHS Section Award Winners

Ibn Khaldun Distinguished Career Award 

The section presents the Ibn Khaldun Distinguished Career Award every year in order to recognize a lifetime of outstanding contributions to the subfield of comparative-historical sociology. Committee: Ho-fung Hung (Chair, Johns Hopkins University), Mounira Charrad (University of Texas at Austin) and Kim Voss (University of California, Berkeley).

Winner: Jack Goldstone, George Mason University

Barrington Moore Book Award

The section presents the Barrington Moore Book Award every year to the best book in the area of comparative-historical sociology. Committee: Joachim J. Savelsberg (Chair, University of Minnesota), Fatma Müge Göçek (University of Michigan) and Mishal Khan (University of California, Hastings College of Law).

Winner: Anca Parvulescu (Washington University in St. Louis) and Manuela Boatcă (University of Freiburg, Germany) for Creolizing the Modern: Transylvania across Empires, Cornell University Press.

Honorable Mention: Phillip A. Hough (Florida Atlantic University) for At the Margins of the Global Market: Making Commodities, Workers, and Crisis in Rural Colombia, Cambridge University Press.

Honorable Mention: Jonathan Wyrtzen (Yale University) for Worldmaking in the Long Great War: How Local and Colonial Struggles Shaped the Modern Middle East, Columbia University Press.

Charles Tilly Article Award

The section presents the Charles Tilly Article Award every year to the best article in the subfield of comparative-historical sociology. Committee: Rebecca Jean Emigh (Chair, University of California Los Angeles), Laura K. Nelson (University of British Columbia) and Yang Zhang (American University).

Co-Winner: Regina S. Baker (University of Pennsylvania) for “The Historical Racial Regime and Racial Inequality in Poverty in the American South.”

Co-Winner: Robert Braun (University of California-Berkeley) for “Bloodlines: National border crossings and antisemitism in Weimar Germany.”

Reinhard Bendix Student Paper Award 

The section presents the Reinhard Bendix Student Paper Award every year to the best graduate student paper in the subfield of comparative-historical sociology. Committee: Fabien Accominotti (Chair, University of Wisconsin-Madison), Andrew Buck (University of Southern Indiana), and Jen Triplett (University of Michigan).

Winner: Luis Flores (University of Michigan) for “Zoning as a Labor Market Regulation.” 

Honorable Mention: Shilin Jia (University of Chicago) and Benjamin Rohr (University of Mannheim) for “Vacancy Chains as Strategy: Inter-Administration Mobility of Political Elites in Reform China.”  

Theda Skocpol Dissertation Award

The section presents the Theda Skocpol Dissertation Award every year to the best doctoral dissertation in the area of comparative-historical sociology. Committee: Nick Wilson (StonyBrook University), Wan-Zi Lu (The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute), and Christy Thornton (Johns Hopkins University).

Winner: Martin Eiermann for “American Privacy: Diffusion and Institutionalization of an Emerging Political Logic, 1870-1930.” 

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