Thomas D. Hall Archive (Section Newsletters 1984-2016)

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The section is pleased to offer online copies of the newsletter published since 1984. You can access section’s historical newsletter archives (from 1984 to present)  from this page.
Vol:N/A No:N/A Year:N/A Vol:N/A No:N/A Year: N/A
Vol.II No1 Year:1984(Fall) Vol.II No2 Year:1985(Winter)
Vol.II No3 Year:1985(Spring) Vol.II No4 Year:1985(Summer)
Vol1. No2 Year:1989(June)
Vol3 No1 Year:1990(Fall) Vol3. No2 Year:1990(Spring)
Vol3 No2 Year:1991(Winter) Vol3. No3 Year:1991(Spring)
Vol3 No4 Year:1991(Summer) Vol4. No1 Year:1991(Fall)
Vol4 No2 Year:1992(Winter) Vol4. No3 Year:1992(Spring)
Vol5 No1 Year:1992(Fall) Vol5. No2 Year:1993(Winter)
Vol5 No3 Year:1993(Spring) Vol6. No1 Year:1993(Fall)
Vol6 No2 Year:1994(Winter) Vol6. No3 Year:1994(Spring)
Vol6 No4 Year:1994(Summer) Vol7. No1 Year:1994(Fall)
Vol7 No2 Year:1995(Winter) Vol7. No3 Year:1995(Spring)
Vol7 No4 Year:1995(Summer) Vol8. No1&2 Year:1995(Fall&Winter)
Vol8 No3 Year:1996(Spring) Vol8. No4 Year:1996(Summer)
Vol8 No1&2 Year:1997(Fall&Winter) Vol9. No3 Year:1997(Summer)
Vol10 No1 Year:1997(Fall)
Volume 10: 1997-1998 Edited by Philip Gorski

Summer 1998 – On meaning and computers by John Mohr and John Hall.

Winter 1998 – Discussion on genocide by Helen Fein and Jack Porter.

Fall 1997 – Essays on the relationship between feminism and historical sociology by Julia Adams and Ava Baron.

Volume 11: 1998-1999 Edited by Mathieu Deflem

Summer 1999 – Essays by Mounira M. Charrad on “Bringing in Tribe,” and by Beverly J. Silver on “Comparing Hegemonic Transitions.”

Winter 1999 – Essays by John Boli on “Global Historical Comparative Research,” and Francesca Guerra-Pearson on “Measuring the Meaning of Charitable Organizations.”

Fall 1998 – Essays by Edward Tiryakian on “From LePlay to Today,” and by Mustafa Emirbayer and Mimi Sheller on “Studying Publics in History;” From the Chair on “New Social Forms in World Society” by David Stark.

Volume 12: 1999-2000 Edited by Mathieu Deflem

Summer 2000 – Symposium of Jeffery Paige’s Coffee and Power, with a review essay by Roland Robertson and a reply by the author.

Winter 2000 – Essay by John Torpey on “The Past as Political Project.”

Fall 1999 – Symposium on The People’s Lobby by Lis Clemens (reviews by Jason Kaufman and Pamela Walters); “From the Chair” by Ewa Morawska; ASA didactic seminar on Comparative Sociology by Jack Goldstone.

Volume 13: 2000-2001 Edited by Hans Bakker

Fall 2001 – Essays on ‘Cultural Repertoires’ by Michèle Lamont, Andrew McLean, Ilana Friedrich Silber, Ewa Morawska, and Aldon Morris.


Summer 2001 – Symposium on social construction and comparative-historical sociology. Contributions by William Roy, Robert Prus, and Hans Bakker.

Fall 2000 – Symposium on case study research, with essays by Charles Ragin, Neil Smelser, Edwin Amenta, and Andrew Walder. Review by Hans Bakker.

Volume 14: 2002 Edited by Hans Bakker

Summer 2002 – Includes a memorial for our dear colleague Roger V. Gould; and various essays in comparative and historical sociology.

Spring 2002 – Features papers by Stephen Turner and Robert Marsh on Weber; by François Dépelteau on the sociological imagination; and info on the 2002 Barrington Moore Award.

Winter 2002 – Features Ann Swidler’s paper on Cultural Repertoires, and contributions by James Hollander, Brian Gran, Behrooz Tamdgidi, Levon Chorbajian, and Hans Bakker.

Volume 15: 2003-2004 Edited by Rosemary Hopcroft

Spring 2004 – Essays by Julia Adams, Randall Collins, and David Zaret on Philip Gorski’s book on the state, with a reponse by the author.

Fall 2003 – Essays by John Hall, Eiko Ikegami, and Mike Sobocinski.

Summer 2003 – Includes essays by Diana Davis, Jack Goldstone, Richard Lachmann, Mike Sobocinski, and more.

Spring 2003 – Includes a From the Chair; Commentaries on Richard Lachmann’s award-winning book, Capitalists in Spite of Themselves; and more!

Volume 16: 2004-2005 Edited by Rosemary Hopcroft

Spring 2005 – Essays by Jeff Goodwin, Mathieu Deflem, and more.

Fall 2004 – Essays by Mathieu Deflem, Rosemary L. Hopcroft, and more.

Volume 17: 2005-2006 Edited by Monica Prasad

Spring 2006 – Symposium on The Familial State: Ruling Families and Merchant Capitalism in Early Modern Europe. Contributions by Charles Tilly, Mounira Charrad, Leslie Price, and others.

Fall 2005 – Includes essays by Bruce G. Carruthers, George Steinmetz, and more.

Volume 18: 2006-2007 Edited by Monica Prasad

Spring 2007 – A book symposium on Vivek Chibber’s Locked in Place, an “author meets author meets author” feature with William Sewell, Jr., Arthur Stinchcombe, and Charles Tilly, and our ever-popular “Identities” series, in which Amy Kate Bailey (last year’s graduate student article award winner), Rebecca Emigh, and Richard Lachmann reflect on why and how they entered CHS, and what it means to them.

Fall 2006 – A note on the job market and a message from the chair. Contributions by William Roy, Nicola Beisel, Julian Go, and others.

Volume 19: 2007-2008 Edited by Nitsan Chorev and Greta Krippner

Note: Beginning with Volume 19, the Comparative Historical Section Newsletter is now known as “Trajectories.” Thanks to Dan Slater for suggesting the new name!

Spring 2008 – A note on archival research and a book symposium on George Steinmetz’s The Devil’s Handwriting.

Fall 2007 – Contains a special feature on Teaching Comparative and Historical Sociology (with contributions from John Foran, Mounira M. Charrad, Jeff Haydu, and Mathieu Deflem), a report from the “Thunder of History” conference at Northwestern University, Identities essays from Arthur Stinchcombe and Nina Bandelj, plus announcements, new publications, recent dissertations, etc.

Volume 20: 2008-2009 Edited by Nitsan Chorev and Greta Krippner

Spring 2009 – Includes essays on the financial crisis by Bruce Carruthers, Sarah Quinn, and Greta Krippner. In an “Author Meets Author” dialogue, Julian Go and Karen Barkey discuss their work on empire. Also includes identities essays by Sarah Babb and Chad Alan Goldberg.

Fall 2008 – Contains a message from the chair on “Past and Present”, “Remembering Charles Tilly” and an interview with Isaac Martin, etc.

Volume 21: 2009-2010 Edited by Emily Erikson and Isaac Reed

Spring 2010 – Contains reports of new research on corruption and regulation in the economic sphere, “Author Meets Critics” discussions of new books by Mabel Berezin and Jeffrey Haydu, and “Identities” essays by King-To Yeung and Joya Misra.

Fall 2009 – Contains a message from the chair, a remembrance of Giovanni Arrighi, a report on the 2009 Comparative-Historical Mini-Conference, “Author Meets Critics” discussions of new books by Rebecca Emigh, Paul McLean, and John Hall, and an “Identities” reflection by Henning Hillman.

Volume 22: 2010-2011 Edited by Emily Erikson and Isaac Reed

Spring 2011 – Contains reflections from Morocco on the Arab Spring by Jonathan Wyrtzen; a book symposium on Margaret R. Somers’ Genealogies of Citizenship: Markets, Statelessness, and the Right to Have Rights, with contributions from Erik Olin Wright, Saskia Sassen, and Michael C. Tolley, as well as a response from Somers; and a discussion between Saïd Amir Arjomand, James Mahoney, and Immanuel Wallerstein on the question, “What happened to the ‘comparative’ in comparative and historical sociology?”

Fall 2010 – Contains a message from the chair, a methodological symposium (with essays by Katherine Stovel, Paul McLean, and Scott Boorman), and a letter from Erik Olin Wright discussing the 2012 ASA theme.

Volume 23: 2011-2012

Spring 2012 (supplement) (Edited by Ates Altinordu and Seio Nakajima) – Contains information on the 2012 ASA meeting in Denver and other miscellaneous information.

Spring 2012 (Edited by Ates Altinordu and Seio Nakajima) – Contains a book symposium on Greta R. Krippner’s Capitalizing on Crisis: the Political Origins of the Rise of Finance, with contributions from Frank Dobbin, Isaac Martin, and William H. Sewell, Jr., as well as a response from Krippner; and a book symposium on James Mahoney’s Colonialism and Postcolonial Development: Spanish America in Comparative Perspective, with contributions from Mara Loveman, Nitsan Chorev, Richard Lachmann, and Dan Slater, as well as a response from Mahoney.

Fall 2011 (Edited by Emily Erikson and Isaac Reed) – Contains a message from the chair, a letter from Edward A. Tiryakian, and the results of a survey of section members.

Volume 24: 2012-2013

Summer 2013 (Edited by Ates Altinordu and Seio Nakajima) – Contains a book symposium on Isaac Ariail Reed’s Interpretation and Social Knowledge: On the Use of Theory in the Human Sciences (University of Chicago Press, 2011).

Fall 2012 (Edited by Ates Altinordu and Seio Nakajima) – Contains a letter from the chair (“Globalizing Comparative-Historical Sociology”) and a panel review (“Revolutions, Old and New: Rethinking Paradigms”) by Mounira Maya Charrad and Danielle Kane.

Volume 25: 2013-2014

Spring 2014 (Edited by Matthew Baltz) — Contains information on the upcoming ASA annual meeting in San Francisco, a comment on current events in Ukraine and Venezuela by Tim Gill, a preview of The United States in Decline edited by Richard Lachmann, and a listing of recent PhDs on the job market.

Fall 2013 (Edited by Ates Altinordu and Seio Nakajima) — Contains a letter from the chair and a book symposium on Andreas Glaeser’s Political Epistemics: The Secret Police, the Opposition, and the End of East German Socialism (University of Chicago Press, 2011).

Volume 26: 2014-2015

Spring 2015 (Edited by Matt Baltz) Contains an ASA Conference Preview of the section’s conference theme, “Can Comparative Historical Sociology Save the World” by Monica Prasad and the panel organizers; book symposia on Fallout: Nuclear Diplomacy in an Age of Global Fracture (with contributions from Gregoire Mallard, Julia Adams, Ron Levi, Nitsan Chorev and Antoine Vauchez), The Origins of Global Humanitarianism (Peter Stamatov, John Hall, Jonathan Sassi, and Bryan Turner), and Sinews of the Nation (Dan Lainer-Vos, Lyn Spillman, Elizabeth Popp Berman and Bart Bonikowski)); Identities essays by Cedric de Leon and Emily Erikson; a book review roundtable on Culling the Masses by David Scott FitzGerald and David Cook-Martin; and the 2015 Section Award Winners.

Fall 2014 (Edited by Matthew Baltz) — Contains a letter from the chair Bruce Carruthers; book symposia on The Fracturing of the American Corporate Elite (with contributions from Mark Mizruchi, William G. Roy, Judith Stepan-Norris, Anthony Chen, and Bruce Carruthers), The Land of Too Much (Monica Prasad, Greta Krippner and Elisabeth Clemens), The Emergence of Organizations and Markets (Walter W. Powell, John F. Padgett, James Mahoney, Katherine Stovel, and Brayden King), and Waves of War (Andreas Wimmer, Jack Goldstone, and Mabel Berezin); an essay from Theda Skocpol Dissertation Award Winner Sahan Savas Karatasli; a conference report from John Torpey; a report on the section’s recent ASA joint mentoring event by Nicholas Wilson; and a listing of new publications, announcements, and PhDs on the market.

Volume 27. No.1: 2015-2016

Fall 2015 (Edited by Matt Baltz) Contains 2015 ASA Conference Report. In this feature, Monica Prasad, Jensen Sass, Josh Pacewicz, and Jason Jackson report on what they learned from attending panels on this year’s conference theme. This volume also includes a Book Symposium feature, titled “The Cultural Revolution at the Margins”, by Yiching Wu. Essays: “Japan’s Ling Defeat” by Akiko Hashimoto”. Identities Essays by Colin Beck and Sarah Quinn.

Volume 27. No.2 2015-2016

Winter 2016 (Edited by Matt Baltz) This issue features a discussion with George Steinmetz, Mathieu Deflem, Greta Krippner, and Monica Prasad on whether adopting a policy orientation in scholarship is a good idea; a book symposium on Jake Rosenfeld’s What Unions No Longer Do with comments from Arne Kalleberg, Kim Voss and Evelyn Nakano Glenn as well as a reply from Rosenfeld; a Policy Brief by Dorit Geva on US Selective Service Reform; and section news and announcements.

Volume 27. No.3 2015-2016

Spring 2016 (Edited by Matt Baltz) This issue features a continuation of the discussion of this year’s theme, “Can Comparative Historical Sociology Save the World” with contributions from Elizabeth Pearson, Peter Evans, Vivek Chibber, Frederick Wherry, Michele Lamont, Elisabeth Clemens, Isaac Martin, Lane Kenworthy, and Ho-Fung Hung; A book symposium on Sid Tarrow’s War, States, and Contention (Cornell University Press) with comments from John Hall, William Sewell, Elisabeth Clemens, Dan Slater, and Antonina Gentile as well as a reply from Sid Tarrow.; A book symposium on Saskia Sassen’s Expulsions: Brutality and Complexity in the Global Economy (Harvard University Press) with comments from Alejandro Portes, Michaeline Crichlow, Joseph Blasi and a reply from Saskia Sassen; Identities essays from Anne Kane and Thomas D. Hall; A book review contributed by Hans Bakker on Jan Rehmann’s Max Weber: Modernisation as Passive Revolution: A Gramscian Analysis (English translation, Haymarket Books); and section news and announcements.

Volume 27. No.4 2015-2016

Summer 2016 (Edited by Matt Baltz) This issue features a concluding essay on this year’s theme from our outgoing chair, Monica Prasad, “Can Saving the World Save Comparative Historical Sociology?” ; an author-meets-critics session on Dorit Geva’s Conscription, the Family, and the Modern State, with comments from Myra Marx Ferree, Cedric de Leon, and Eileen McDonagh and a reply from Dorit Geva; an essay by Despina Lalaki, “The Cradle of Democracy and the Longue Durée of a Crisis: Some Thoughts from the Perspective of Historical Sociology”; a comment from Xue Li and Alexander Hicks on the spread of the nation state across the world; and an announcement of section awards and election results.

Volume 28. No.1 2016-2017

Fall 2016 (Edited by Matt Baltz, Marilyn Grell-Brisk, Victoria Reyes, Yibing Shen) This issue features a letter from our new chair, Kim Voss; a book symposium on Jonathan Wyrtzen’s Making Morocco (Cornell University Press) with comments from George Steinmetz, Julian Go, Mary Lewis, Mounira Maya Charrad, and a reply from Johnathan Wyrtzen; a book symposium on Caroline Lee’s Do-it-Yourself Democracy (Oxford University Press) with comments from Lyn Spillman, Margaret O’Mara, Philip Lewin, William Hoynes, and a reply from Caroline Lee; a book symposium on Martin Ruef’s Between Slavery and Capitalism (Princeton University Press) with comments from Tera Hunter, Amy Kate Bailey, and a reply from Martin Ruef; an op-ed corner on “Understanding Trump’s Election” organized by Victoria Reyes and with contributions from Barry Eidlin, Marcus Anthony Hunter, and Stephanie Mudge; an Identities essay by Harold Kerbo; a tribute to Georges Balandier (1920-2016) written by George Steinmetz; a policy brief on the constitutional crisis in Poland by Iga Kozlowska (organized by Natalia Forrat and Jensen Sass); and a list of new publications by section members as well as other news and announcements.

Volume 28. No.2 2016-2017

Winter 2017 (Edited by Matt Baltz, Marilyn Grell-Brisk, Victoria Reyes, Yibing Shen) This issue features remarks from the 2017 Gaidar Economic Forum on “Global Transformation in the Context of Historical Sociology” by Georgi Derluguian, Wolfgang Streeck, Ho-Fung Hung, Mishaal Al-Gergawi, and Monica Prasad. The printed version of their remarks first appeared on our section’s blog, Policy Trajectories, edited by Fiona Greenland. (; a book symposium on Ho-Fung Hung’s China Boom (Columbia University Press) with comments from Jack Goldstone, Richard Lachmann, James Mahoney, Dingxin Zhao, and a reply from Ho-Fung Hung; a conference report from Laura Nelson and Kim Voss on “Digitized (Big) Data and Comparative Historical Sociology” with essays by Charles Seguin, Bart Bonikowski, Christopher Muller, and Laura Nelson; an op-ed corner on “Trump, Trade, and Economic Nationalism” organized by Victoria Reyes and with contributions from Peter Evans, Jon Shefner, and Francesco Duina; a spotlight organized by Marilyn Grell-Brisk on the section’s working group on “Terrorism”; and a tribute to William H. McNeill(1917-2016) with contributions from David Christian and Patrick Manning.

Volume 28. No.3 2016-2017

Spring 2017 (Edited by Matt Baltz, Marilyn Grell-Brisk, Victoria Reyes, Yibing Shen) This issue features an op-ed corner on European populism with contributions from Mabel Berezin, Dorit Geva, Seán Ó Riain, and Besnik Pula; an author-meets-critics special feature on Rebecca Jean Emigh, Dylan Riley, and Patricia Ahmed’s two-volume How Societies and States Count with contributions from Daniel Hirschman, Mara Loveman, G. Cristina Mora, Jacob Foster, Tong Lam, Corey Tazzara, Jean-Guy Prévost, and Emily Klancher Merchant; an author-meets-critics feature on Julian Go’s Postcolonial Thought and Social Theory with contributions from Aldon Morris, Zine Magubane, and Marco Garrido; an author-meets-critics feature on Josh Pacewicz’s Partisans and Partners with contributions from Elizabeth Popp Berman and Michael McQuarrie; a spotlight on the section’s Carbon Tax and Tax Reform problem-solving working groups; and new member publications and section news.