2nd Annual Critical Social Ontology Workshop

St. Louis, MO, October 13-14, 2018

Call for Papers

The Critical Social Ontology Workshop is an interdisciplinary venue for radical thinking about the metaphysics of irreducibly social phenomena. Core members of the CSOW are Ruth Groff (Coordinator), Sally Haslanger, Tony Lawson, Doug Porpora, Vanessa Wills and Charlotte Witt.

We invite paper proposals for the 2nd annual meeting of the Workshop, to be held at Saint Louis University. We will be interested in contributions the aim of which is to address fundamental issues of social ontology and/or foundational meta-theoretical issues that have implications for social ontology, and to do so in ways that shed light upon and/or offer alternatives to existing positivist; Humean; post-modern; or other orthodoxies in philosophy and social science.

The annual meetings of the Workshop are intended to be supportive, working conferences. Presenters will be asked to upload outlines of their papers in advance of the conference so as to maximize the opportunity for constructive conversation. We hope to eventually be able to publish some or all of the proceedings of the CSOW annual meetings in one way or another (we will keep you posted as we move forward with these plans).

The Critical Social Ontology Workshop is unfunded. We will ask those participants who can afford to do so to contribute $30-$40 to help offset the basic costs of running the conference.

To submit a paper proposal:

Send an e-mail to criticalsocialontologyworkshop@gmail.com in which you provide the following: (1) a title; (2) a short abstract (200 words) that includes a clear statement of what the driving claim of the paper will be; (3) your contact information. Please do be sure to include a clear statement of the thesis of the paper in your abstract (i.e., “I will argue that … “).

Deadline: August 1, 2018.