Immanuel Wallerstein

It is with profound sorrow that we at the Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems, and Civilizations join the family, friends and colleagues of Immanuel Wallerstein, founding Director of the Center, in mourning his passing Saturday last, 31 August 2019.  Immanuel changed the way we see the world; indeed, he changed the world that we see.  He changed the way we understand what we experience and the forms of meaningful action we can take to transform our world into a more egalitarian and substantively rational one.  But we shall miss more than his intellectual leadership and scholarly example; we shall miss the man—his consideration, humor, and generosity.  He practiced his own dictum, “It is encouraged to encourage.”  For all who knew him, it was a supreme privilege.

Richard E. Lee

Director                                                      Bartle Professor
Fernand Braudel Center                   Department of Sociology
SUNY-Binghamton                               SUNY-Binghamton
Binghamton, NY                                    Binghamton, NY
13902-6000                                            13902-6000

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