IPE Subsection of the Sociology of Development

The International Political Economy (IPE) subsection of the Sociology of Development seeks to bring together scholars who study the intersection of states and markets through a cross-national lens.  IPE scholars recognize the centrality of the political economy for studying international development.  Scholars in this subsection examine a range of issues, including economic growth, income inequality, poverty, health conditions, environmental degradation, institutions, and much more.  IPE emphasizes the significance of economic and political globalization, including the flow of goods, capital, and people, as well as the formation of international organizations and other multilateral institutions that exist in the world economy.  IPE scholars also investigate political economies within individual societies and how they influence race, class, gender, and other forms of stratification.  IPE embraces a wide variety of theoretical and methodological approaches that help advance our understanding of the political economy in a global context.  Ultimately, the subsection aims to facilitate the formation of scholarly networks comprised of those studying IPE in sociology and related disciplines, including international relations, political science, and economics.

The IPE subsection operates a mailing list that enables members to have conversations and share information and resources related to IPE, including funding opportunities, job advertisements, calls for papers, conference announcements, teaching materials, and links to scholarly work.  To subscribe to the IPE mailing list (ipesocdev@googlegroups.com), contact Rob Clark (robclark@ou.edu).

Founding Members

Rob Clark (University of Oklahoma)

Jeffrey Kentor (Wayne State University)

Matthew Mahutga (University of California-Riverside)

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