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The section presents the Ibn Khaldun Distinguished Career Award every year in order to recognize a lifetime of outstanding contributions to the subfield of comparative-historical sociology. This is one of the most celebrated awards given by the section, and it is presented only to scholars of the utmost distinction.

The section awards the Barrington Moore Book Award every year to the best book in the areas of comparative and historical sociology. Nominated publications should have appeared in the two years prior to the year in which they are nominated. Books may be nominated by authors or by other section members.

The section also awards the Charles Tilly Best Article Award every year to the best article in the area of comparative and historical sociology. Nominated publications should have appeared within two years prior to the year in which they are nominated. Articles may be nominated by authors or by other section members.

Every year the section awards the Theda Skocpol Dissertation Award to the best doctoral dissertation in the area of comparative and historical sociology. Eligible dissertations must have been defended and filed two years prior to which they are nominated. Dissertations may be nominated by dissertation chairs, advisors, or current department chairs. Self-nominations are not allowed for this award. Dissertations may be nominated by sending a letter or email to each member of this prize committee.

Every year the section awards the Reinhard Bendix Student Paper Award for the best student paper. Submissions are solicited for papers written by students enrolled in graduate programs at the time the paper was written. Students can self-nominate their finest work or can be nominated by their mentors.