Barrington Moore Book Award

The section awards the Barrington Moore Book Award every year to the best book in the areas of comparative and historical sociology. Nominated publications should have appeared in the two years prior to the year in which they are nominated. Books may be nominated by authors or by other section members.



Professor Gates is sitting and looking over her shoulder at the camera. She has a bookcase and an art frame behind her. She is wearing glasses and has short hair. Leslie C. Gates. 2023. Capitalist Outsiders: Oil’s Legacies in Mexico and Venezuela. University of Pittsburgh Press.

Honorable Mention:


Vrushali Patil. 2022. Webbed Connectivities: The Imperial Sociology of Sex, Gender, and Sexuality. University of Minnesota Press.

Professor Julian Go standing in front of a bookshelf. He is wearing a black suit and has black hair.

Julian Go. 2023. Policing Empires Militarization, Race, and the Imperial Boomerang in Britain and the US. Oxford University Press.



Anca Parvulescu and Manuela Boatcă. 2022. Creolizing the Modern: Transylvania across Empires. Cornell University Press

Honorable Mention:

Phillip A. Hough 2022. At the Margins of the Global Market: Making Commodities, Workers, and Crisis in Rural Colombia. Cambridge University Press

Jonathan Wyrtzen. 2022. Worldmaking in the Long Great War: How Local and Colonial Struggles Shaped the Modern Middle East. Columbia University Press.



Joachim J. Savelsberg. 2021. Knowing about Genocide:  Armenian Suffering and Epistemic Struggles. University of California Press

Honorable Mention:

Christy Thornton. 2021. Revolution in Development:  Mexico and the Governance of the Global Economy. University of California Press.



Elisabeth S. Clemens. 2020. Civic Gifts: Voluntarism and the Making of the American Nation-State. Chicago.

Honorable Mention:

Yuen Yuen Ang. 2020. China’s Gilded Age: The Paradox of Economic Boom and Vast Corruption. Cambridge University Press.


 Robert Braun. 2019. Protectors of Pluralism: Religious Minorities and the Rescue of Jews in the Low Countries during the Holocaust. Cambridge University Press
Eddy U. 2019. Creating the Intellectual: Chinese Communism and the Rise of a Classification. University of California Press.


Andreas Wimmer. 2018. Nation Building: Why Some Countries Come Together While Others Fall Apart, Princeton University Press.
Stephanie L. Mudge. 2018. Leftism Reinvented: Western Parties from Socialism to Neoliberalism, Harvard University Press.


Krishan Kumar, Visions of Empire:  How Five Imperial Regimes Shaped the World.  Princeton: 2017.
  Angel Adams Parham, American Routes:  Racial Palimpsests and the Transformation of Race. Oxford 2017
  Daniel Ziblatt, Conservative Parties and the Birth of Democracy.  Cambridge 2017.


  Heather A. Haveman. 2015. Magazines and the Making of America: Modernization, Community, and Print Culture, 1741-1860. Princeton University Press.
  Tianna S. Paschel. 2016. Becoming Black Political Subjects: Movements and Ethno-Racial Rights in Colombia and Brazil. Princeton University Press.

Honorable Mention:

  Rebecca Jean Emigh, Dylan Riley & Patricia Ahmed. 2016. How Societies and States Count (2-volume work: Antecedents of Censuses from Medieval to Nation States and Changes in Censuses from Imperialist to Welfare States) . Palgrave MacMillan


Prerna Singh. 2016. How Solidarity Works for Welfare: Subnationalism and Social Development in India. Cambridge University Press.
Fatma Müge Göçek. 2014. Denial of Violence: Ottoman Past, Turkish Present, and Collective Violence against the Armenians 1789-2009. Oxford University Press.


Kathleen Thelen. 2014. Varieties of Liberalization and the New Politics of Social Solidarity. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.


Wenkai He. 2013. Paths toward the Modern Fiscal State. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Cybelle Fox. 2012. Three Worlds of Welfare Relief: Race, Immigration, and the American State from the Progressive Era to the New Deal. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.


Michael Mann. 2012. The Sources of Social Power, volume 3: Global Empires and Revolution 1890-1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Monica Prasad. 2012. The Land of Too Much: American Abundance and the Paradox of Poverty. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Honorable Mention: 

Andreas Wimmer. 2012. Waves of War: Nationalism, State Formation, and Ethnic Exclusion in the Modern World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Yang Su, 2011. Collective Killings in Rural China during the Cultural Revolution. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Honorable Mentions:

Gail Kligman and Katherine Verdery, 2011. Peasants under Siege: The Collectivization of Romanian Agriculture, 1949-1962. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
James Mahoney, 2010. Colonialism and Postcolonial Development: Spanish America in Comparative Perspective. New York: Cambridge University Press.


David Garland, 2010. Peculiar Institution: America’s Death Penalty in an Age of Abolition. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Honorable Mention:

 Dan Slater, 2010. Ordering Power: Contentious Politics and Authoritarian Leviathans in Southeast Asia. New York: Cambridge University Press.


Karen Barkey, 2008. Empire of Difference: The Ottomans in Comparative Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
 Ivan Ermakoff, 2008. Ruling Oneself Out: A Theory of Collective Abdications. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.


George Steinmetz, 2007. The Devil’s Handwriting: Precoloniality and the German Colonial State in Qingdao, Samoa, and Southwest Africa. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


Monica Prasad, 2006. The Politics of Free Markets: The Rise of Neoliberal Economic Policies in Britain, France, Germany, and the United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


Michael Mann, 2005. The Dark Side of Democracy: Explaining Ethnic Cleansing Cambridge, UK, and New York: Cambridge University Press.

Honorable Mention:

 Eiko Ikegami, 2005. Bonds of Civility: Aesthetic Networks and the Political Origins of Japanese Culture Cambridge, UK, and New York: Cambridge University Press.


Gorski, Philip S. 2003. The Disciplinary Revolution: Calvinism and the Rise of the State in Early Modern Europe. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Honorable Mention:

Drori, Gili S., John W. Meyer, Francisco O. Ramirez, and Evan Schofer, 2003. Science in the Modern World Polity: Institutionalization and Globalization. Palo Alto, Calif.: Stanford University Press.


Mahoney, James. 2001. The Legacies of Liberalism: Path Dependence and Political Regimes in Central America. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Honorable Mention:

Lachmann, Richard. 2000. Capitalists in Spite of Themselves: Elite Conflict and European Transitions in Early Modern Europe. Oxford, UK; New York: Oxford University Press.