2020 Section Call for Awards

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Global Note: All nominees must be members of the ASA to be considered for section awards.


The section presents the Ibn Khaldun Distinguished Career Award every year in order to recognize a lifetime of outstanding contributions to the subfield of comparative-historical sociology. This is one of the most celebrated awards given by the section, and it is presented only to scholars of the utmost distinction.

To nominate someone for the award, please send a letter of nomination to the award committee below. The letter should briefly discuss the significance and impact of the nominee on the subfield of comparative-historical sociology. Please also provide the most current curriculum vitae for the nominee as well as the nominee’s contact information, including their e-mail address. Nominations must be received by all members of the committee by February 15, 2020.

Please note that nominees must have received their Ph.D. no later than 1994. All nominees must be members of the ASA to be considered for any section award.


Fatma Müge Göçek (chair), University of Michigan, gocek@umich.edu

George Steinmetz, University of Michigan, geostein@umich.edu

Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University, b-carruthers@northwestern.edu



The section presents the Barrington Moore Book Award every year to the best book in the area of comparative-historical sociology.

To be eligible for consideration, nominated books must have been published in one of the two years immediately prior to the year of the award (i.e., for the 2020 award only books published in 2018 or 2019 will be considered). Eligible books must also not have been previously nominated for the Moore Award. Thus, books that were nominated for the 2019 award are not eligible to be considered for the 2020 award.

To nominate a book for the Moore Award, please send an email to each member of the award committee. The e-mail should indicate the author, title, publisher, and publication date of the book you wish to nominate. Please make arrangements for each member of the committee to receive a copy of the book by February 15, 2020. The nominating e-mail and the nominated book must be received by each member of the committee by this deadline. Books may be nominated by their authors or by other scholars, but not by publishing houses. Letters of nomination are not required.

Please note that all nominees must be members of the ASA to be considered for any section award, and winners of the Moore Award are expected to be members of the comparative-historical sociology section at the time the award is presented.


Andreas Wimmer (chair),  andreas.wimmer@columbia.edu
Department of Sociology
Columbia University
606 West 122nd Street
NY NY 10027
United States

Fabien Accominotti, f.accominotti@lse.ac.uk
Department of Sociology
London School of Economics
Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE
United Kingdom

A.K.M. Skarpelis,  askarpelis@fas.harvard.edu
Harvard University
WCFIA room K208
CGIS Loading Dock
1737 Cambridge Street
Cambridge, MA 02138-3016
United States



The section presents the Charles Tilly Article Award every year to the best article in the subfield of comparative-historical sociology.

To be eligible for consideration, nominated articles must have been published in one of the two years immediately prior to the year of the award (i.e., for the 2020 award only articles published in 2018 or 2019 will be considered).

To nominate an article for the Tilly Award, please send an e-mail to each member of the award committee. The e-mail should indicate the author, title, journal, and publication date of the article that you wish to nominate, and it should also attach a PDF of the article. The nominating e-mail and PDF of the article must be received by each member of the committee by February 15, 2020.

Please note that all nominees must be members of the ASA to be considered for any section award.


Paul Y. Chang (chair), Harvard University, paulchang@fas.harvard.edu

Christopher Muller, University of California, Berkeley, cmuller@berkeley.edu

Barış Büyükokutan, Koç University, bbuyukokutan@ku.edu.tr



The section presents the Theda Skocpol Dissertation Award every year to the best doctoral dissertation in the area of comparative-historical sociology.

To be eligible for consideration, nominated dissertations must have been defended and filed between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2019.

To nominate a dissertation, please send an e-mail to each member of the award committee. The e-mail should indicate the author, title, and filing year of the dissertation that you wish to nominate, and it should briefly discuss the strengths and contributions of the dissertation. An electronic copy of the dissertation must also be sent to each member of the award committee. (For dissertations that are too large to send over email, please e-mail the committee members a durable link to a downloadable version of the dissertation.) Both the nominating e-mail and the electronic copy of the nominated dissertation must be received by each member of the committee by February 15, 2020. Dissertations may be nominated by dissertation chairs, advisors, or current department chairs; self-nominations are not allowed for this award.

Please note that all nominees must be members of the ASA to be considered for any section award.


Edwin Ackerman (chair), Syracuse University, efackerm@maxwell.syr.edu

Sefika Kumral, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, s_kumral@uncg.edu

Cameron Campbell, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, camcam@ust.hk



The section presents the Reinhard Bendix Student Paper Award every year to the best graduate student paper in the subfield of comparative-historical sociology.

To be eligible for consideration, nominated papers must have been written by students enrolled in a graduate program at the time the paper was written. Both published and unpublished papers are eligible.

To nominate a paper, authors and/or mentors should send an e-mail to each member of the award committee. The e-mail should indicate the author and title of the paper, and it should attach a PDF of the article. The e-mail and the nominated paper must be received by each member of the committee by February 15, 2020. Students may self-nominate their finest work, or a paper may be nominated by a student’s mentors.

Please note that all nominees must be members of the ASA to be considered for any section award.


Eric Schoon (chair), The Ohio State University, schoon.1@osu.edu

Luciana de Souza Leão, University of Michigan, lsleao@umich.edu

Joris Gjata, University of Colorado, Joris.Gjata@Colorado.EDU



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