ASA 2017: Section on Comparative-Historical Sociology Sessions

Monday, August 14

 10:30am-12:10pm: Politics and Power in Latin America.

Location Palais des congrès de Montréal, 510A

Session Organizer: Cedric de Leon, Tufts University

Brokers, Clients and Elite Political Networks in Mexico. Tod Stewart Van Gunten, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies

Explaining the Paradox of Postwar Latin American Political Development. Simeon J. Newman, University of Michigan

Political Party Articulation in Post-neoliberal Democracies. Gabriel Chouhy, University of Pittsburgh

Two Primitive Accumulations Behind Political Articulation: A Case Study of Postrevolutionary Bolivia. Edwin F. Ackerman, Syracuse University

Discussant: Diana Graizbord, University of Georgia


(Also at 10:30-12:10pm: The Historical Sociology of Social Science: Quebecois Perspectives

Cosponsored with Section on Comparative-Historical Sociology

Location: Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512G, 10:30am-12:10pm

Session Organizer: Peter Kivisto, Augustana College

Presider: Peter Kivisto, Augustana College


The sociology of sociology is a necessary component of disciplinary self-reflexivity. Over the course of sociology’s history there has been a recurrent interest in such reflection on the discipline. The earliest discussions of “historical sociology” in the annual meetings of the American Sociological Society focused on the history of sociology itself. This session foregrounds historical work on sociology by sociologists and historians based in Québec and in Francphone world. This emphasis is especially appropriate given this location of this year’s meeting and the fact that 2017 is the centenary of Durkheim’s death.


Adam Smith: Neglected, to Our Cost. John A. Hall, McGill University

The Last Days of Durkheim’s Life. Marcel Fournier, Université de Montréal

Quebec Sociology and How it Differentiates Itself From Mainstream Anglophone American Sociology. Jean-Philippe Warren, Concordia University

Who Were the First Sociologists in France? A Long-term Perspective on Conflicting Narratives about the Birth of French Sociology. Sebastien Mosbah-Natanson, Paris Sorbonne University-Abu Dhabi

Discussant: Chad Alan Goldberg, University of Wisconsin-Madison)


2:30-4:10pm: The Politics of Experts and Expertise.

Location: Palais des congrès de Montréal, 515A

Session Organizer: Barry Eidlin, McGill University

Companies and the Rise of Economic Thought. Emily Anne Erikson, Yale University; Mark Hamilton, Yale University

Institutional Logics and the Veterans Administration Post-War Reforms: Implementation in its Mental Health System. Greg Greenberg, Veterans Health Administration

Mediating Party and Public: Intellectuals and the Resurgence of Right-to-Work in the Industrial Midwest. Johnnie Anne Lotesta, Brown University

Organizing Psychiatry: How Public Workers Shape Social Services. Isabel M. Perera, University of Pennsylvania.

Discussant: Monika Krause, London School of Economics


4:30-6:10pm: Race and Ethnoreligious Politics.

Location: Palais des congrès de Montréal, 515B, 4:30-6:10pm

Session Organizer: Cedric de Leon, Tufts University

A Bourdieusian Approach to Explaining the Rise of Religious Nationalism in France, 1940-1942.  Aliza Luft, UCLA

Black Revolutions, Black Republics. Ricarda Hammer, Brown University; Alexandre White, Boston University

Ethnicizing the Frontier: Elite Structure of Ethnic Minority and Ethnic Mobilization in Southwest China (1660s-1930s). Yue Dai, University of Virginia

Roots of Radicalism: The Language of Revolution, Extremism, and Localism in Afghanistan, 1979-2001. Daniel Karell, New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD); Michael Freedman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Discussant: Tasleem Juana Padamsee, Ohio State University


6:30 to 8:10pm: Reception (Joint with Section on Political Sociology and Section on History of Sociology)

Location: Palais des congrès de Montréal, Level 5, 517B


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

8:30-10:10am: Empires, Colonies, Indigenous Peoples

Location: Palais des congrès de Montréal, 512G


Sociologists have shown increasing interest in the historical and comparative study of empires, colonies, and indigenous peoples. This paper brings together specialists on the British and American empires and postcolonies and the imperial frontiers with indigenous societies.


Session Organizer: George Steinmetz (University of Michigan, Institute for Advanced Study)

Presider: Kari Marie Norgaard (University of Oregon)


Yael Berda (Hebrew University): Legacies of Suspicion: from British Colonial Emergency regulations to the ‘War on Terror’ in Israel and India

Julian Go (Boston University): American Empire and Militarization at Home

James Fenelon (California State University) and Thomas D. Hall (De Pauw University): Standing Rock, Epicenter of Resistance to American Empire.

Saliha Belmessous (University of New South Wales): Indigenous and European Laws of Nations in North America to 1763

Discussant: Krishan Kumar (University of Virginia)

10:30-11:30 Section on Comparative-Historical Sociology Refereed Roundtables

Location: Palais des congrès de Montréal, Level 5, 520A

11:30am to 12:10pm, BUSINESS MEETING

Location: Palais des congrès de Montréal, Level 5, 520A

12:30-2:10 pm: Pierre Bourdieu and Historical Sociology

Location: Palais des congrès de Montréal, 514B

Session Organizer: George Steinmetz (University of Michigan, Institute for Advanced Study


Recognition of the importance of Pierre Bourdieu’s work for empirical and theoretical sociology continues to grow worldwide, including the United States and North America. Yet the relations between Bourdieu and historical social science, historical sociology, and historiography are less obvious. This panel brings together sociologists and historians from France, Germany, and the United States to examine the role of Bourdieu, past and present, in historical social science and historiography.

Presider: George Steinmetz


Jean Louis Fabiani (Central European University; L’École des hautes études en sciences sociales). Event, structure and history.

Lutz Raphael (Trier University). Micro-histories and Huge Comparisons: Bourdieu and the Practice of Social History

Gisèle Sapiro (L’École des hautes études en sciences sociales): Field theory in global and historical perspective


Mathieu Desan (University of Colorado-Boulder)


2:30-4:10 pm Theory, Epistemology, and Ethics in Historical Social Science

Location: Palais des congrès de Montréal, 514B, 2:30-4:10pm

Session Organizer: George Steinmetz (University of Michigan, Institute for Advanced Study)


This panel examines current discussions of theory, epistemology, and ethics in historical social science.

Presider: Samuel Clark (University of Western Ontario, Sociology)


Phil Gorski (Yale University, Sociology): On the Ethics of Social Science

Herman Paul (Leiden University, History): The Scientific Self: Epistemic Virtues as Embodied Research Ethics

Dan Little (University of Michigan, Philosophy and Sociology). Historical foundations of the social sciences

Ann Orloff (Northwestern University): Feminist theories, Sociologies of Gender and Historical Social Science


Isaac Reed (University of Virginia, Sociology)

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