Call for Papers: Special Issue of Information Communication & Society

Please consider submitting to this year’s special issue of Information Communication & Society (ICS). Drawing on papers presented at the 2021 or 2022 ASA conference and Media Sociology Symposium, the special issue welcomes papers that focus on any facet of media, technology, communication, information, or related topics.

ICS is a highly ranked, interdisciplinary journal that brings together current research on the social, economic, and cultural impacts of new information and communications technologies. The journal positions itself at the center of contemporary debates about the information age. (Please see Barry Wellman’s “CITASA and ICS: How the Relationship Began” for a history of the iCS-CITASA special issue.)

Submissions must conform to the ICS guidelines, are limited to 8,000 words (all inclusive), and must be submitted via Scholar One.  If you do not have an account, you will need to create one. Be sure to check the box for Special Issue and indicate “CITAMS” ( “Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology”) in it, so that it will be routed appropriately.


Who’s eligible? Anyone on the program for 2021 OR 2022 ASA events or the 2021 OR 2022 Media Sociology Symposium. This includes papers from any session or roundtable, as long as those papers address technology and/or media. It is not restricted to CITAMS sponsored sessions. This is an expanded window of eligibility to include the previous year as well as the current year.

Deadline? October 1, 2022

Is there wiggle room on the deadline?  Sorry, no. The timeline is tight and our deadline is hard.

In the past, the CITAMS special issue has included research notes. Can I submit one of those?  Yes, but please contact the lead editor (Dustin Kidd) prior to submitting a research note.

Who are the editors? Dustin Kidd is co-editing with Tim Recuber (Smith College) and a team of graduate students from Temple University

Who should I contact with questions? Please send all questions to Dustin Kidd (


·      Complete papers due (submit via Scholar One) on October 1, 2022 before midnight AoE (Anywhere on Earth)

·      First round of reviews back to authors on November 1, 2022.

·      Final decisions made on December 15, 2022

·      Final papers due January 3, 2023

·      Special issue publication anticipated May 2023

* CITAMS thanks iCS for partnering with us for our annual special issues showcasing some of the best work from our section.

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