2018 Section Award Winners

Comparative and Historical Sociology Section Barrington Moore Book Award


Krishan Kumar, Visions of Empire:  How Five Imperial Regimes Shaped the World.  Princeton: 2017.

Angel Adams Parham, American Routes:  Racial Palimpsests and the Transformation of Race. Oxford 2017

Daniel Ziblatt, Conservative Parties and the Birth of Democracy.  Cambridge 2017.

The Comparative and Historical Sociology Section Charles Tilly Best article award


Greta Krippner, “Democracy of Credit: Ownership and the Politics of Credit Access in Late Twentieth-Century America.” American Journal of Sociology, 123(1): 1-47

The Comparative and Historical Sociology Section Theda Skocpol dissertation award:


Charles Seguin (Univ. of Arizona): “Making a National Crime: The Transformation of U.S. Lynching Politics, 1883-1930” (PhD, University of North Carolina, 2016).

Comparative and Historical Sociology Section Reinhard Bendix best student paper award


Yueran Zhang “Preempting “No Taxation without Representation”: The Case of Taxing Private Homeownership in China.”

Honorable Mentions

A.K.M. Skarpelis for “Beyond Aryans: Making Germans in the Nazi Empire”

Katrina Quisumbing King for “The Sources and Political Uses of Ambiguity in Statecraft”