International mini-conference on civil sphere theory – Brno, Czech Republic, July 2020

Jeffrey Alexander and ISA Research Committee on Sociological Theory (RC16) mid-term conference organizer Csaba Szalo and co-President Brad West, along with other international scholars interested in global issues and the civil sphere, are organizing a mini-conference on civil sphere theory (CST). Theorists and empirical sociologists can discuss, criticize, and inspire one another, interacting around a common set of intellectual symbols. The aim is to further develop, and revise, CST, continuing the discussions among nearly 100 sociologists from around the world that have produced “civil sphere” volumes on Latin America, East Asia, the Nordic countries, and radicalism, with volumes on India, Canada, and cultural trauma in process.

The one-day conference will take place on Thursday, July 2, 2020, in Brno, Czech Republic, ahead of RC 16’s mid-term meetings (July 2-4, 2020), which will kick off that same evening with a joint reception. 

Though this mini-conference is being organized around an ISA meeting, all intellectuals, theorists, sociologists and scholars interested in matters related to civil sphere theory are invited to participate; ISA membership or affiliation is not required, unless you wish to participate in the RC 16 mid-terms after (highly encouraged!). Brno local organizers will organize very reasonable housing and meals; covering such expenses, however, will be your own responsibility. (There may be a possibility of defraying some travel costs for young and emerging scholars who will be presenting papers.) 

If you are interested in presenting a paper, please send a paper title and abstract to Jeffrey Alexander ( and Anne Marie Champagne (anne.champagne@yale.eduby February 15, 2020. If you would like to attend without presenting a paper, please send us a letter indicating your interest. Note: This is an indication of interest only. We will be asking for a firm commitment by April 1, 2020.

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