DEADLINE 15 July 2019

The ASA challenges its members to encourage their colleagues, students, and others interested in the discipline of sociology to join ASA for 2019. Each current member who sponsors new members between May 1 and July 15, 2019, will receive a $10 discount on their 2020 membership for each 2019 sponsored new member. Sponsors will also be entered into drawings for a $250 Amazon gift certificate and ASA merchandise gift packs. All current members who participate in this campaign will be thanked in a future issue of Footnotes, and prize winners will be notified by August 1, 2019.

New members of ASA receive substantial benefits of membership, including access to the ASA online Job Bank; free access to the TRAILS online database of teaching materials; deep discounts on ASA books, teaching resources, journals, and Annual Meeting registration; group rates on insurance and rental cars; access to member-only online content; and much, much more.

Potential new members can be encouraged to complete the online application. (New members can indicate a sponsor when joining.)

For every new member you sponsor, you will receive a $10 discount off your 2020 membership dues. (Discount is limited to the amount of membership dues and may not be used for journal subscriptions or section memberships.)

If you sponsor at least any one new member (including new student members) by July 15, you will be entered into the grand prize drawing.

The 2019 ASA Member-Get-A-Member campaign ends July 15. Join us as we make this year a record-breaking one!

ASA membership is on a calendar year basis. Offer limited to 2019 members and 2019 new memberships (renewed memberships are not eligible). Grand prize winner will be notified by August 1, 2019.