Sociology of Indigenous Peoples and Native Nations

Please join our exciting new section, the Sociology of Indigenous Peoples and Native Nations section, to help support sessions addressing Indigenous issues in the 2021 ASA Annual Meeting.  The Sociology of Indigenous Peoples and Native Nations Section is the first section in the 115 years of the American Sociological Association that provides an official space for scholarship on Indigenous sociology. The purpose of the section is to encourage and promote research with, by and for Indigenous Peoples, as well as the teaching of issues relating to Indigenous Peoples and Native Nations worldwide.  Any member of the American Sociological Association who shares these research or teaching interests is encouraged to become a member of this section.

 To join, visit the member portal at then click on “Join a Section” under “Join/Renew.”

If you have questions about the Indigenous Peoples and Native Nations section, please email the outreach coordinator, Levin Welch at, or our section president, Angela Gonzales at

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