Spring 2017 Newsletter

The latest issue of our newsletter – Trajectories Vol.28 No.3 (Spring 2017) – can be accessed here.

This issue features an op-ed corner on European populism with contributions from Mabel Berezin, Dorit Geva, Seán Ó Riain, and Besnik Pula; an author-meets-critics special feature on Rebecca Jean Emigh, Dylan Riley, and Patricia Ahmed’s two-volume How Societies and States Count with contributions from Daniel Hirschman, Mara Loveman, G. Cristina Mora, Jacob Foster, Tong Lam, Corey Tazzara, Jean-Guy Prévost, and Emily Klancher Merchant; an author-meets-critics feature on Julian Go’s Postcolonial Thought and Social Theory with contributions from Aldon Morris, Zine Magubane, and Marco Garrido; an author-meets-critics feature on Josh Pacewicz’s Partisans and Partners with contributions from Elizabeth Popp Berman and Michael McQuarrie; a spotlight on the section’s Carbon Tax and Tax Reform problem-solving working groups; and new member publications and section news.

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